
يعتبر ابن تيمية أحد أهم الشخصيات المؤثرة في عصره ، وقد كثر أتباعه من أيامه إلى هذا اليوم ، وقد حصلت بينه وأتباعه وبين خصومهم من السنة صراعات شديدة استمرت إلى يومنا الحاضر.

وقد تصدى له عدة من كبار علماء السنة وفقهائهم من الأشاعرة والحنابلة ، وقد صنف عدة من كبار علماء السنة وفقهائهم كتباً في الرد على معتقداته أخذت أسلوب الهجوم الشديد عليه وعلى أتباعه كابن قيم الجوزية ، فممن صنف في الرد عليه وعلى ابن القيم السبكي فقد رد على ابن القيم وأستاذه ابن تيمية في كتاب السيف الصقيل في الرد على ابن زفيل وعلق عليه وأكمله الكـوثـري نائب شيخ الإسـلام في الدولـة العثمانية والـذي كـان من فقهاء الأحناف المعروفين (1)

وقال ابن حجر الهيتمي المكي صاحب كتاب الصواعق المحرقة : ابن تيمية عبد خذله الله وأضله ، وأعماه وأصمه وأذله ، وبذلك صرّح الأئمة الذين بينوا فساد أحواله وكذب أقواله ، ومن أراد ذلك فعليه بمطالعة كلام الإمام المجتهد المتفق على إمامته وجلالته وبلوغه مرتبة الاجتهاد أبي الحسن السبكي وولده التاج والشيخ الإمام العز بن جماعة وأهل عصرهم وغيرهم من الشافعية والمالكية والحنفية .

إلى أنْ قال : والحاصل أن لا يقام لكلامه وزن ، بل يرمى في كل وعر وحزن ويُعتقد فيه أنه مبتدع ضال ومضل ، جاهل غال ، عامله الله بعدله وأجارنا من مثل طريقته وعقيدته وفعله آمين . (2)

إلى أنْ قال : ولا زال يتبع الأكابر حتى تمالأ عليه أهل عصره ففسقوه وبدعوه بل كفره كثير منهم ، وقد كتب إليه بعض أجلاء أهل عصره علماً ومعرفة سنة خمس وسبعمائة من فلان إلى الشيخ الكبير إمام أهل عصره بزعمه ...

إلى أنْ قال :

ولم يقنع بسب الأحياء حتى حكم بتكفير الأموات ، ولم يكفه التعرض على من تأخر من صالحي السلف حتى تعدى إلى الصدر الأول ومن له أعلى المراتب في الفضل ، فيا ويح من هؤلاء خصماؤه يوم القيامة ، وهيهات أنْ لا يناله غضب ، وأنى له بالسلامة ، وكنت (3) ممن سمعه وهو على منبر جامع بالصالحية وقد ذكر عمر بن الخطاب رضي الله عنه فقال : إنّ عمر له غلطات وبليـات وأي بليـات ، وأخبر عنـه بعض السلـف أنـه ذكر علي بن أبي طالب (ع) رضي الله عنه فقال : إنّ علياً (ع) أخطأ في أكثر من ثلاثمائة مكان ، فياليت شعري من أين يحصل لك الصواب إذا أخطأ علي (ع) بزعمك كرم الله وجهه وعمر بن الخطاب ، والآن قد بلغ هذا الحال إلى منتهاه والأمر إلى مقتضاه ولا ينفعني إلا القيام في أمرك ودفع شرك لأنك قد أفرطت في الغي ووصل أذاك إلى كل ميت وحي ، وتلزمني الغيرة شرعاً لله ولرسوله ، ويلزم ذلك جميع المؤمنين وسائر عباد الله المسلمين بحكم ما يقوله العلماء ، وهم أهل الشرع وأرباب السيف الذيـن بهـم الوصـل والقطـع إلى أنْ يحصـل منـك الكف عـن أعـراض الصالحين رضي الله عنهم أجمعين . (4)

وقال أيضاً : وقـال بعضهم : ومن نـظر إلى كتبه لم ينسب إليـه أكثر من هـذه المسائل ، غير أنه قائل الجهة وله في إثباتها جزء ، ويلزم أهل هذا المذهب الجسمية والمحاذاة والاستقرار ، أي فلعله في بعض الأحيان كان يصرح بتلك اللوازم ، فنسبت إليه ، وربما نسب إليه ذلك أئمة الإسلام المتفق على جلالته وإمامته وديانته وأنه الثقة العدل المرتضى المحقق المدقق ، فلا يقول شيئاً إلا عن تثبت وتحقق ومزيد احتياط وتحر ، سيما إنْ نسب إلى مسلم ما يقتضي كفره وردته وضلالته وإهدار دمه ، فإنْ صح عنه مكفر أو مبدع يعامله الله بعدله وإلا يغفر لنا وله . (5)

ويقول أيضاً : وإياك تصغي إلى ما في كتب ابن تيمية وتلميذه ابن قيم الجوزية وغيرهما ممن اتخذ إلهه هواه وأضله الله على علم وختم على سمعه وقلبه وجعل على بصره غشاوة ، فمن يهديه من بعد الله ، وكيف تجاوز هؤلاء الملحدون الحدود ، وتعدوا الرسوم وخرقوا سياج الشريعة والحقيقة ، فظنوا بذلك أنهم على هدى من ربهم وليسوا كذلك بل هم على أسوأ الضـلال وأقبـح الخصـال ، وأبلـغ المقـت والخسـران ، وأنهى الكذب والبهتان ، فخذل الله متبعهم ، وطهر الأرض من أمثالهم . (6)


(1) وقد طبع هذا الكتاب عدة طبعات منها طبعة مكتبة زهران بالقاهرة سنة 1993 م .

(2) الفتاوى الحديثية لابن حجر الهيتمي ص 114 ط. دار المعرفة / بيروت .

(3) هذا كلام الشخص الذي كتب إلى ابن تيمية سنة خمس وسبعمائة حسب نقل ابن حجر في الفتاوى الحديثية . .

(4) الفتاوى الحديثية ص 115 ، 116 .

(5) الفتاوى الحديثية ص 117 .

(6) الفتاوى الحديثية ص 203 ، 204 .



مصادر الفكر الوهابي

الوهابيون و صفات الله



الوهابيه وتعريفهم الايمان بالقدر


الشيعة و المنتظروالصحابة في منهاج السنّة لابن تيميه والرد عليه

ارسال شده در تاریخ : سه شنبه 29 فروردين 1391برچسب:الاسلام, الشیعه, علی, عقائد, ابن تيمية, صراع, الفتاوی+اهل السنه, :: 21:43 :: توسط : عبدالمهدی

ارسال شده در تاریخ : سه شنبه 29 فروردين 1391برچسب:امام حسین+حسین+عاشورا+کربلا+اربعین, :: 16:48 :: توسط : عبدالمهدی

با كه گويم راز دل را، كس مرا همراز نيست * از چه جويــــم سِرّ جان را، دربه رويم باز نيست

نـــاز كن تا مى‏توانى، غمزه كن تا مى‏شود * د ردمنـــــــــدى را نديدم، عــاشق ايـن ناز نيست

حلقـــــه صــــوفى و دير راهبم هرگز مجوى * مــــــــــــرغ بــال و پر زده، با زاغ هم‏پرواز نيست

اهل دل، عـــــــاجز زگفتار است با اهل خرد * بــــــى‏زبان بـا بى‏دلان هرگز سخن پرداز نيست

سربده در راه جانان، جان به كف سرباز باش * آنكـه سر در كــــــــوى دلبر نفكند، سرباز نيست

عشق جانان ريشه دارد در دل، از روز اَلَست * عشــــق را انجــــــام نبــود، چون ورا آغاز نيست

اين پريشان حالــى از جام "بلى" نوشيده ام * ايـــن "بلــى" تا وصل دلبر، بى بلا دمساز نيست

ارسال شده در تاریخ : سه شنبه 29 فروردين 1391برچسب:امام خمینی+خمینی+شعر+دیدار+هجران+خماری+نقطه عطف+ترجیع بند+جام+اشعار, :: 16:10 :: توسط : عبدالمهدی

بزرگ مجاهدي كه تشرفات مكرر او به محضر حضرت ولي عصر (ع) ثابت و حتمي است. آن بزرگوار از فقها و مجتهدان برجسته اي بود كه در سال 1346 ه.ق بر ضد بي بند و باري خاندان پهلوي قيام كرد. او در آن اوج خفقان رضاخاني، لحظه اي از امر به معروف و نهي از منكر غفلت نداشت و صريحاً‌ بر فراز منبر از جنايات رضاخان پرده برمي داشت. در نوروز سال 1306 ش، زن رضاخان به همراه عده اي از زنان دربار، بدون حجاب و با آرايش كامل، وارد حرم حضرت معصومه عليه السلام شدند . در آن هنگام تنها عالمي كه مقابل اين هتك حرمت ايستاد و آنان را از حرم بيرون راند، آيت ا... بافقي بود. هنگامي كه خبر اعتراض دليرانه او به گوش رضاخان رسيد، شخصاً به قم آمد، آن روحاني مبارز را دستگير و شخصاً او را زير مشت و لگد خود گرفت و پس از ضرب و شتم، آن عنصر تقوا و فضيلت را به شهر ري تبعيد كرد.
يكي از بزرگان قم‌، آن شب در عالم رويا به محضر مقدس حضرت بقيت ا... (عج) شرفياب شد و آن حضرت را مشاهده نمود كه سوار بر اسب عازم تهران هستند و پيش از حركت، به حرم مطهر عمه اش حضرت معصومه روي نموده، فرمودند: « السلام عليك يا عمتي المظلومه، لعن ا... قوما هتكوا حرمتك و كسروا حصنك؛ سلام بر تو اي عمه مظلوم ام، خداي لعنت كند گروهي كه به حريم تو جسارت كردند و بست ترا شكستند. 1»

1 مهدي پور، كريمه اهل بيت، ص 209، ماهنامه كوثر، ش 13، ص 12 .

The Qur’an:

When he came to London he brought back a translation of the Qur’an, which he gave to me. He did not become a Muslim, but he felt something in this religion, and thought I might find something in it also.

And when I received the book, (a guidance that would explain everything to me: who I was?

What was the purpose of life?

What was the reality and what would be the reality, and where I came from?

I realized that this was the true religion-religion not in the sense the West understands it, not the type for only your old age. In the west whoever wishes to embrace a religion and make it his only way of life is deemed a fanatic. I was not a fanatic; I was at first confused between the body and the soul. Then I realized that the body and the soul are not apart and you don’t have to go to the mountain to be religious; we must follow the will of God, then we can rise even higher than the angels. The first thing I wanted to do now was to be a Muslim.

I realized that everything belongs to God, that slumber does not overtake Him. He created everything. At this point I began to lose the pride in me, because hereto I had thought the reason I was here was because of my own greatness. But I realized that I did not create myself, and the whole purpose of my being here was to submit to the teaching that has been perfected by the religion we know as Al-Islam. At this point I started discovering my faith; I felt that I was a Muslim, on reading the Qur’an. I now realized that all the Prophets sent by God brought the same message.

Why then were the Jews and Christians different? I knew now how the Jews did not accept Jesus as a Messiah and that they had changed his word. Even the Christians misunderstand God’s word and called Jesus the son of God. Every thing made so much of sense. This is the beauty of the Qur’an; it asks you to reflect and reason, and not to worship the sun or moon but the One who has created everything. The Qur’an asks man to reflect upon the sun and moon and God’s creation in general. Do you realize how different the sun is from the moon? They are at varying distances from the earth, yet appear the same size to us; at times one seems to overlap the other.

Even when many of the astronauts go to space, they see the insignificant size of the earth and vastness of space; they become very religious, because they have seen the Signs of Allah.

When I read the Qur’an further, it talked about prayer, kindness and charity. I was not a Muslim yet, but I felt that the only answer for me was the Qur’an, and God had sent it to me and, I kept it a secret. But the Qur’an also speaks on different levels. I began to understand it on another level, where the Qur’an says “Those who believe don’t take disbelieves for friends and the believer are brothers”. Thus at this point I wished to meet my Muslim brothers.


Then I decided to journey to Jerusalem (as my brother had done). At Jerusalem, I went to the mosque and sat down. A man asked me what I wanted. I told him I was a Muslim. He asked what my name was; I told him ‘Stevens’. He was confused. I then joined the prayer though not so successfully. Back in London, I met a sister called Nafisa. I told her I wanted to embrace Islam and she directed me to the new Regent Mosque. This was in 1977, about 1 ½ years after I received the Qur’an. Now I realized that I must get rid of my pride, get rid of Satan and face one direction.

So on a Friday, after Friday prayer I went to the Imam and declared my faith (the Kalima) at his hands. You have before you someone who had achieved fame and fortune. But guidance was something that eluded me, no matter how hard I tried until I was shown the Qur’an. Now I realize I can get in direct contact with God, unlike Christianity or any other religion. As one Hindu lady told me, ‘you don’t understand the Hindus; we believe in God, we use these objects (idols) to merely concentrate’. What she was saying was that in order to reach God one has to create associates that are idols for the purpose.

But Islam removes all these barriers; the only thing that moves the believers from the disbelievers is Salat. This is the process of purification. Finally I wish to say that everything I do is for the pleasure of Allah and pray that you gain some inspirations from my experiences.

Furthermore I would like to stress that I did not come into contact with any Muslim before I embraced Islam. I read the Qur’an first and realized that no person is perfect, Islam is perfect, and if we imitate the conduct of the Holy prophet (PBUH) we will be successful. May Allah give us guidance to follow the path of the Ummah of Muhammad (PBUH).


By Yusuf Islam (Cat Stevens)


ارسال شده در تاریخ : دو شنبه 28 فروردين 1391برچسب:Islam+Imam Ali+Hazrat+Fatimah+Zahra+Proghet+Heaven+Yusuf Islam +Cat Stevens, :: 18:24 :: توسط : عبدالمهدی

In hospital:

After a year of financial success and ‘high’ living, I became very ill, contracted T.B and had to be hospitalized. It was then that I started to think; what was to happen to me? Was I just a body and my goal in life was merely to satisfy this body?

I realized now that this calamity was a blessing given to me by Allah a chance to open my eyes, ‘why am I here, why am I in bed’, and I started looking for some of the answers. At that time there was great interest in the Eastern mysticism I began reading and the first thing I began to become aware of was death, and that the soul moves on, it does not stop. I felt I was taking the road to bliss and high accomplishment I started meditating and even became a vegetarian. I now believed in ‘peace and flower power’, and this was the general trend. But what I did believe in particular was that I was not just a body, this awareness came to me at the hospital.

One day when I was walking and I was caught in the rain. I began running to the shelter and then I realized, ‘wait a minute, my body is getting wet, my body is telling me I am getting wet’. This made me think of a' saying that the body is like a donkey and it has to be trained where it has to go otherwise the donkey will lead you where it wants to go.

Then I realized I had a will, a God given gift; follow the will of God I was fascinated by the new terminology I was learning in the eastern religion. By now I was fed up with Christianity. I started making music again and this time I started reflecting my own thought. I remember the lyric of one of my songs. It goes like this :’ I wish I knew, I wish I knew what makes the heaven, what makes the hell, Do I get to know you in my bed or some dusty cell while others reach the big hotel?’ and I knew I was on the Path.’

I also wrote another song ‘The way to find God out.’ I became even more famous in the world of music. I really had a difficult time because I was getting rich and famous and at the same time sincerely searching for the truth. Then I came to a stage where I decided that Buddhism is alright and noble, but I was not ready to leave the world, I was too attached to the world and was not prepared to become a monk to isolate myself from society.

I tried Zen and ching, numerology, treat cards and astrology, I tried to look back into the Bible and could not find anything. At this time I did not know anything about Islam and then, what I regarded as miracle occurred. My brother had visited the mosque in Jerusalem and was greatly impressed that while on the one hand it throbbed with life (unlike the churches and synagogues which were empty); on the other hand, an atmosphere of peace and tranquility prevailed.

By Yusuf Islam (Cat Stevens)


ارسال شده در تاریخ : دو شنبه 28 فروردين 1391برچسب:Islam+Imam Ali+Hazrat+Fatimah+Zahra+Proghet+Heaven+Yusuf Islam +Cat Stevens, :: 18:16 :: توسط : عبدالمهدی

yusuf islam (cat stevens)

All I have to say is all what you already know, to confirm what you already know about the message of the prophet (PBUH) as given by God – the religion of Truth. As human beings we are given a consciousness and a duty that has placed us at the top of creation. Man is created to be God’s deputy on earth and it is important to realize the obligation to rid ourselves of all illusions and to make our lives a preparation for the next life, anybody who misses this chance is not likely to be given another, to be brought back again and again, because it says in the Holy Qur’an that when man is brought to account, he will say, ‘O lord, send us back and give us another chance. The Lord will say, if I send you back you will do the same.

My early religious upbringing:

I was brought up in the modern world of all the luxury and the high light of show business. I was born in a Christian home but we knew that every child is born in his nature, it is only his parents that turn him to this or that religion I was given this religion (CHRISTIANITY) and thought this way. I was taught that God exists, but there was no direct contact with God, so we had to make contact with him through Jesus, he was in fact the door to God. This was more or less accepted by me, but I did not swallow it all.

I looked at some of the statues of Jesus; they were just stones with no life” And when they said that God is three, I was puzzled even more but could not argue. I more or less believed it, because I had to have respect for the faith of my parents.

Pop Star:

Gradually I became alienated from this religion upbringing, I started making music. I wanted to be a big star. All those I saw in the films and on the media took hold of me, and perhaps I thought this was my God, the goal of making money I had an uncle who had a beautiful car :Well:, I said , “ he has it made,” he had a lot of money. The people around me influenced me to think that this world was their God.

I decided then that this was the life for me, to make a lot of money, have a “great life “. Now my example were the pop stars, I started making songs, but deep down I had a feeling for humanity, a feeling that if I became rich I will help the needy (it says in the Qur’an, we make a promise, but when we make something we want to hold on to it and become greedy).

So what happened was that I became very famous, I was still a teenager, my name and photo were splashed in all the media. They made me larger than life, so I wanted to live larger than the life and the only way to do that was to be intoxicated (with liquor & drugs).

By Yusuf Islam (Cat Stevens)


ارسال شده در تاریخ : دو شنبه 28 فروردين 1391برچسب:Islam+Imam Ali+Hazrat+Fatimah+Zahra+Proghet+Heaven+Yusuf Islam +Cat Stevens, :: 18:11 :: توسط : عبدالمهدی


The March to Khaybar


The truce the holy Prophet had made with Mecca now made it possible to concentrate on the dangers which lay to their north. The greatest of these was the town of Khaybar, occupied by Jews who were for the most part implacably hostile to Islam.

The sorcerer Labid had almost certainly been bribed from there, though that could have been the work of an individual. But there were far more evident and general reasons for taking action against the exiled Bani Nadir and their Khaybarite kinsmen. Not that they were likely to invade Yathrib.

Except for one or two men, they had not taken any direct part in the campaign of the Trench, but it was they who had given Quraysh every encouragement to attack, and it was their influence which had induced their allies of Ghatafan to side with Quraysh on that occasion.

It was also largely through them that Ghatafan still remained virtually at war with the oasis. Medina could never know any fullness of peace while Khaybar remained as it was.

It had long been clear that something must be done, sooner or later, in that direction; and now the time had come, for the Prophet was certain that the near victory promised in the recent Revelation - a victory which would moreover be rich in spoils - could be nothing other than the conquest of the Jewish stronghold of Khaybar.

But this was not to be shared by all who professed Islam. The Revelation made it clear that those Bedouin who had failed to respond to his summons to make the Lesser Pilgrimage had been largely prompted by mercenary motives.

Since there was no hope of plunder on the Pilgrimage, it was not worth the effort. They were therefore not to be allowed to take part in the conquest of what was, without doubt, one of the richest communities in all Arabia.

This meant setting off with a smaller force, though it had the advantage that their plans could be kept secret until the last moment. But even when the project became known, it was passed from mouth to mouth as a pleasantry rather than a fact. The impregnable strength of Khaybar was almost proverbial.

Quraysh and the other enemies of Islam hoped that the news was true because, if so, Mohammad would at last receive a crushing defeat; but they feared it could not be true, for they knew he was not mad.

As for the men of Khaybar themselves their confidence was such that they refused to believe it. They did not even trouble to ask their allies for help until certain news came from Medina that Mohammad was about to set forth.

Only then did Kinanah, their virtual chief, make a speedy visit to Ghatafan, offering them half the date harvest for that year if they would send them reinforcements. The Ghatafan agreed to do so and promised a force four thousand men.

The Jews of Khaybar were in the habit of donning their armour every day and lining up their full strength of fighting men, ten thousand in all. The help of Ghatafan would bring the number up fourteen thousand; and according to the news from Medina, the invading army was of sixteen hundred men only.

Before the Prophet set out, one of the men of Aws known as Abu Abs came to him with a problem. He had a camel to ride, but his clothes were rags and he had no means of procuring any provisions to take on the march and nothing to leave for the upkeep of his family, let alone buying himself new garment.

There were many others in similar circumstances, though this was an extreme case. But much had been spent on the Pilgrimage, and everything that had been gained so far in the way of spoil was outweighed by the increasing number of poverty-stricken converts who came Medina from every direction.

The Prophet gave Abu Abs a fine long cloak all that was available for the moment; but on the march, a day or two later he noticed that he had on a much poorer cloak and he asked him:

"Where is the cloak I gave thee?"

Abu Abs replied,

"I sold it for eight dirhams. Then I bought two dirhams worth of dates as provision for myself, and left two dirhams for my family to live on, and bought a cloak for four dirhams."

The Prophet laughed and said:

"O father of Abs, thou and thy companions are poor indeed. But by Him in whose hand is my soul, if ye keep safe and live yet a little while, ye shall have abundance of provision and leave abundantly for your families. Ye shall abound in dirhams and slaves; and it will not be good for you!"

At one point on the march, between two camps, the Prophet halted army and called to a man of Aslam known as Ibin Al-Akwa, who had, as he knew, a beautiful voice.

"Dismount, and sing us a song of camel songs."

The Bedouin would sing to their camels as they rode from place to place. They would chant poems to old melodies, monotonous, haunting and plaintive; and to the sadly serene cadences of one of these Ibin Al-Akwa now chanted some words which the Prophet had taught the while they were digging the trench:

"God, but for Thee we never had been guided, Never had given aims, nor prayed Thy prayer."

So it began; and when he had finished the Prophet said to him:

"God have Mercy on thee."

One of the companions noted:

"Thou hast made it inevitable, O Messenger of God. Would thou hadst let us enjoy him longer!"

He meant, as they all knew, that the Prophet had foretold his early martyrdom, for they had come by experience to conclude that when he invoked Mercy upon anyone, that person had probably not long to live.



بـــــــر ســــــر كوى تو اى مى زده، ديوانه شدم       عقل را رانـــــدم و وابستــــه ميخانه شدم

دور آن شمــــع دل افـــــــــــــروز چو پروانه شدم        بـــــه هــواى شكن گيسوى تو شانه شدم

درد دل را بــــــه كـــــــــــه گويم كه دوايى بدهد

مــن كـــــــه درويشم، ميخانه بود منزل من      دوستــــــــىّ رُخش آميختـــــــه انــــــدر گِل من

از همـــه مُلك جهان، ميكده شد حاصل من       حــــــق ســــــــرافكنــــده شود در قِبَل باطل من

كــــاش ميخــانه به اين تشنه صفايى بدهد

مـــــــــژده اى ســـــــــاكن بتخانه كه پيروز تويى      يـــــارِ آتشكــــــده مستِ جهـــــانسوز تويى

خـــــــــادم صـــــــــــومعه فتنــــــــه برافروز تويى      واقفِ ســـــــرّ صنمخـــــــانه مـــــرموز تويى

شــــــــايد آن شــــــاه، نــــوايى به گدايى بدهد

ســـــر و سرّى است مرا با صنم باده فروش       گفت و گويــــى است كه نايش برسد بر دل گوش

پيــــر صاحبدل ما گفت: "ازين رمز، خموش !      هـــــــر دو عالــــــم نكشد بــــــــار امانت بر دوش

دست ‏تقــــــدير بـــــه ميخواره نوايى بدهد"

اى گـــل بـــــــــاغ وفـــــــــــــا، درد مرا درمان كن      جـــــرعــــــــه اى ريز و مرا بنده نافرمان كن

راز ميخوارگــــــــى‏ام از همــــــــــه كس پنهان كن       گــــــوشه چشم به حال من بى‏سامان كن

باشد آن شــــــــاهد دلــــــــــــــدار سرايى بدهد

يــــــادگارى كه در آن منزل درويشان است      درد عشــــــــــــــــّاق قلندر به همين درمان است

طـــــــاير قدس بر اين منزلِ دل، دربان است      حضرت روحِ قُدُس منتظــــــر فــــــرمــــــــان است

تــــا كـــــه درويش خـــــرابات صلايى بدهد

پـــــــرده بــــــــــرداشت ز اســــرار ازل، پيـــر مغان      بــــــاز شد در بـــــــرِ رندان، گره فاشِ نهان

راز هستــــــى بگشــــــود از كـــــــــــرم درويشان      غــــــم فـــــــــــرو ريخت ز دامان بلند ايشان

دوست شــــــايد كـــــــــــه به دريوزه ردايى بدهد

ســــــاغر از دست من افتاد، دوايى برسان      راه پيـــــدا نكنــــــم، راهنمــــــايى بــــــرســـــان

گــــــــر وفايـــــى نبود در تو، جفايى برسان       از مــــــن غمــــــــزده بـــــر پير، ندايـــى برسان

كــــه به ايــن مى زده در ميكده جايى بدهد

ارسال شده در تاریخ : دو شنبه 28 فروردين 1391برچسب:می+میکده+امام خمینی+خمینی+شعر+اشعار+پیر مغان, :: 15:9 :: توسط : عبدالمهدی

ترجیع بندی از امام خمینی رضوان الله تعالی علیه:


خم را بگشا به روى مستان،     بیــزار شو از هـــوا پرستان


از مــن بپذیر رمـــــز مستى ،     چون طفل صبور، در دبستان


آرام ده گُــل صفــــــــا باش،     چـون ابــــر بهار در گلستان


تـاریخچــــــــه جمال او شو،     بشنو خبر هــــــزار دستـان


بردار پیالـــــه و فرو خـــوان،     بر مى زدگـان و تنگدستـان


اى نقطه عطف راز هستى


بر گیر ز دوست، جام مستى


من شاهد شهر آشنــایم،     من شـاهـم و عـاشق گدایـم


فرمانده جـمع عاشقــانم،     فـــرمانـبر یــــار بیـــــوفایــــم


از شهر گذشت نام و ننگم،     بــــازیــــچـه دور و آشنــــایم


مست از قـدح شراب نابم،     دور از بـــــرِ یــــــار دلــــربایم


ســازنده دیر عاشقـــــانم،     بـــازنـــــده رنـــد بینــوایـــم


این نغمه بر آمد از روانـــم،     از جــان و دل و زبـان و نایم


اى نقطه عطف راز هستى


بر گیر ز دوست، جام مستى


رازى است درون آستینــــم،     رمزى است بـرون ز عقل و دینم


در زمره عاشقان سر مست،     بـــى قیــد ز عــــار صلح و كینم


در جـرگـه طیــــر آسمـــانم،     در حـــلقــه نــــمــلــه زمینـــــم


در دیده عـــاشقان، چنــانم،     در مــنظـــــر سالـــكـان، چنینـم


دلبـــــــــاخته جـــــمال یارم،     وارستــــــه ز روضــــــه بــــرینم


با غــــــمزه چشم گلعذاران،     بیــــــزار ز نـــــاز حـــــور عــینـم


گــویم به زبـان بى‏زبـــــــانى،     در جمــــــع بتــــان نــــــازنینـم


اى نقطه عطف راز هستى

بر گیر ز دوست، جام مستى


برخاست ز عاشقى، صفیرى،     مى خواست ز دوست دستگیرى


او را بــه شـــــــرابخانـه آورد،     تا تـــوبه كنـد به دست پیـــــــرى


از عشق، دگــر سخن نگوید،     تا زنـــــده كنـــــد دلش فقیـــــرى


درویش صفت، اگـــر نباشى،     از دورى دلــبــــــــرت بـــــمیــرى


میخانه، نه جاى افتخار است،     جــــاى گنه است و سر به زیـرى


با عشوه بگو به جمع یاران،     آهستـــه، و لیك با دلیرى


اى نقطه عطف راز هستى


بر گیر ز دوست، جام مستى


اى صوت رســـــاى آسمانى،     اى رمز نـــــــداى جاودانى،


اى قله كوه عشق و عاشق،     وى مرشد ظاهر و نـهانى،


اى جلــــــوه كامل "انا الحق"،     در عــرش مُرفّع جــهــــانى،


اى موسى صَعْق دیده در عشق،     از جــــلــوه طـــور لامكانى،


اى اصل شجر، ظهورى از تو،     در پــــــرتو سرّ سَرمــدانى،


بر گوى به عشق، سرّ لاهوت،     در جمـــع قــــــلندران فانى


اى نقطه عطف راز هستى


بر گیر ز دوست، جام مستى


اى دور نـــــــمـــــاى پور آزر،     نــادیـــده افــول حق ز مــــــنظر


اى نار فراق، بر تـــــو گلشن،     شد بَـــرد و سلام از تــــــــو آذر


بـــردار حجـــــاب یـار از پیش،     بنمــاى رُخش چــــــــو گل مصوّر


از چهــــــره گلعذار دلــــــدار،     شد شهـــــــر قــــلندران، منّــور


آشفته چه گشت پیچ زلفش،     شد هر دو جهان، چـو گل معطّر


بر گــــوش دل و روان درویش،     بر گـــــــوى به صــــد زبان مكـرّر


اى نقطه عطف راز هستى


بر گیر ز دوست، جام مستى


در حلقه سالكـــــان درویش،     رنـــــــــدان صبـــور دورانــدیش


راهب صفتان جـــــام بر كف،     آن مى زدگـان فـارغ از خویش


در جمله زاهدان و مى‏نوش،     در صـــورت عـالـمان و بد كیش


در راه رسیدن به دلـــــــدار،     بیگـــانــــه بـود ز نوش یا نیش


فارغ بود از جهان، به جامى،     در خلــــوت مى‏خورانِ دلریش


فریاد زند ز عشق و مستى،     بر پــاكـــــدلان مـرده از پیش


اى نقطه عطف راز هستى


بر گیر ز دوست، جام مستى

ارسال شده در تاریخ : یک شنبه 27 فروردين 1391برچسب:امام خمینی+خمینی+شعر+دیدار+هجران+خماری+نقطه عطف+ترجیع بند+جام+اشعار, :: 14:55 :: توسط : عبدالمهدی
درباره وبلاگ
به وبلاگ من خوش آمدید
بیانات مهم رهبر معظم انقلاب درباره ارزیابی از وضع کنونی و پيشرفت های ملت ایران/ مذاکره با امریکا آیاتاکنون به سوره"حمد"اینگونه نگاه کرده‌اید؟ خاطره‌ حاج سعید که بغض رهبر انقلاب را درآورد شکل گیری فضای جنگی بین چین و ژاپن روسیه برای جنگ آماده می شود شهیدی که جنت را به او نشان دادند گره گشایی از مردم، قبرمان را روشن می کند راه نجات گریه‌کردن برای امام‌حسین علیه السلام چه ثوابی دارد؟ ملاقات با امام زمان عجل الله تعالی فرجه الشریف در عرفات و روضه حضرت عباس علیه السلام ده داستان کوتاه از زندگی جوادالائمه علیهم السلام اجمعین نظر درس‌آموز رهبر انقلاب درباره دختران بدحجاب چراغ سبز به دولت تركيه برای حمله به سوریه